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World Population Day

World Population Day


World Population Day

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Marked annually on July 11, World Population Day aims to raise awareness of global population issues. This year, the theme of World Population Day focuses on gender equality, aiming to amplify the voices of girls and empower them to recognize the limitless opportunities available to them in the world.

On World Population Day, UNFPA wishes to highlight the need to advance gender equality in order to meet the aspirations of the world's 8 billion people. This process begins by listening to the voices of women, girls and other marginalized people and introducing laws and policies that enable them to exercise their rights and make meaningful choices.

Despite the fact that women and girls make up 49.7% of the young population, the wishes and aspirations of women and girls are often ignored in discussions about demographics, leading to violations of their rights through discriminatory policies. This exclusionary approach results in a world that limits and marginalizes the potential of individuals, thereby impeding progress towards a more prosperous, inclusive and sustainable future for all.

The active participation of a new generation of women in key political positions and progress in gender-responsive budgeting and legislative reforms against gender-based violence play a key role in building an equal and peaceful society.