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UNFPA in Kosovo

UNFPA in Kosovo

UNFPA in Kosovo

UNFPA Kosovo has been advocating for the reproductive health and rights of every woman, man and child, individually and as families, since 1999. UNFPA is dedicated to bring about a world where no mother dies in the act of giving life, when every pregnancy is wanted and every individual can enjoy a life of health, dignity and opportunity.

In partnership with government, NGOs, communities, and other UN agencies, UNFPA Kosovo has worked to achieve its goals through:

  • Improving antenatal, safe delivery and post-natal care through technical assistance programmes, development of curricula and professional training for medical personnel, and provision of medical equipment
  • Family planning sessions and workshops for adults and youth in communities
  • Awareness rising campaigns, education and counseling sessions on reproductive health, human sexuality and prevention spread of sexually transmitted infections, including HIV
  • Ensuring access to affordable quality contraceptives at medical facilities
  • Promoting of gender equality, women empowerment and elimination of gender based violence across all levels of UNFPA programming and advocating
  • Supporting research, gathering, and dissemination of population data, advocating for and supporting government in developing evidence-based strategies and population policies
  • Advocating for improved governance of health sector to better address reproductive health needs of population.

 Delivering a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe, and every young person’s potential is fulfilled.

Key Results


Adolescent-friendly Sexual and reproductive health services

Quality assured, adolescent-friendly sexual and reproductive health services were provided in at least 25 per cent of public health facilities


Cervical cancer screening services

Cervical cancer screening services were offered by at least 25 per cent of public health facilities


School-based comprehensive sexuality education

A comprehensive sexuality education curricula was operationalized in accordance with international standards


Minimum Initial Services Package


Health service providers and managers were trained on the minimum initial service package


Life skills programmes for girls


Marginalized girls were reached with health, social and economic asset-building programmes


Advocacy platforms against harmful social norms


Communities developed advocacy platforms to eliminate discriminatory gender and sociocultural norms which affect women and girls

What we do

UNFPA works in more than 150 countries and territories that are home to the vast majority of the world’s people. Its mission: to ensure that every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled.

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Head of Office

Head of Office

Dr. Mujko-Nimani

Dr. Mujko-Nimani is a national of Kosovo with 25 years of experience of working with United Nations Population Fund. Prior to the current assignment, Visare worked as a Programme Specialist at UNFPA Kosovo office. She also conducted programme support missions in various field locations including Ukraine, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Moldova, and UNFPA Europe and Central Asia Regional Office.
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