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Training of NGO’s and local stakeholders on GBV in Dragash

Training of NGO’s and local stakeholders on GBV in Dragash


Training of NGO’s and local stakeholders on GBV in Dragash

calendar_today 05 June 2012

On 23-24 of May, the second series of trainings of NGO’s on addressing and coordinating efforts on Gender-Based Violence was organized in Dragash.

UNFPA has supported this training as part of the UN joint programme “Support to addressing Gender Based Violence in Kosovo through strengthening the Implementation of the Kosovo Law, National Action Plan and Strategy against Domestic Violence 2010-2013” through its implementing partner Kosova Women’s Network.

The training was attended by 25 participants from different NGO’s and local stakeholders such as; representatives of directorate of education, health, judiciary, municipality representatives, representative of center for social welfare, and victims advocate.

Discussions on different topics were enriched the presentation on domestic violence. One of the topics that received attention was the discussion about the need for an efficient coordination between relevant actors working with GBV survivors. Moreover, one of the main challenges to support survivors of GBV is the law on social assistance. Survivors receive no financial assistance during their stay in “safe house”. In line with this, the need to have more pro-social policies was emphasized. The economic reintegration of the survivors has been also noted as one of the most important component of the supporting system for the GBV survivors.


“It is a very fruitful and comprehensive training,” says Lindita Kozmaqi-Piraj, Officer for Gender Equality in the municipality of Dragash.“ I am personally very satisfied that municipality of Dragash had the chance and privilege to be part of this UN joint programme. I am also very satisfied with the number of participation among relevant stakeholders and the contribution they are giving to this training, “Lindita expresses at the end.

Read also about Domestic Violence training in Gjilan