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State of World Population 2012

State of World Population 2012


State of World Population 2012

calendar_today 21 November 2012

By Choice, Not by Chance: Family Planning, Human Rights and Development


Family planning is a human right. Yet today some 222 million women in developing countries are unable to exercise that right because they lack access to contraceptives, information and quality services or because social and economic forces prevent them from taking advantage of services even where they are available.

The State of World Population 2012 explains why family planning is a right, examines the challenges in ensuring that all women, men and young people are able to exercise that right and suggests actions that governments and international organizations can take to give everyone the power and the means to decide freely and responsibly how many children to have and when to have them.

Full Report – State of World Population 2012

Read the Statement of Babatunde Osotimehin, Executive Director of UNFPA in English and Albanian