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UNFPA had the pleasure of participating in the Ombudsperson Institution event presenting the institution’s ex officio report on the application of sexual and reproductive rights in Kosovo, in particular the access to contraceptive information and services, to abortion and post-abortion care, and to maternal health care. 

As part of an Ombudsperson-led national enquiry on this subject, the report includes first-hand accounts and related findings on the experience of women and girls who may have been discriminated in this rights area. 
UNFPA has actively supported the national enquiry and the production of the report and our Head of Office Dr. Visare Mujko-Nimani was delighted to share our perspective and discuss these issues with the participants, including Ombudsperson Naim Qelaj, Deputy Minister of Health Dafina Gexha-Binjaku, and a host of other professionals from the field. 

Dr Mujko-Nimani stressed that “UNFPA will continue giving support to ensure that no woman, girl, boy, or man, is left without quality health services when needed, so that no mother loses her life because of pregnancy or that no young person gets judged for seeking family planning services… A lot can also be achieved without additional budgets, with enhanced communication and protection of privacy of women and girls by health institutions.”

RAPORT Ex officio nr. 577/2021 lidhur me të drejtat në shëndetin seksual dhe riprodhues, qasja në informata dhe shërbime kontracepsioni, në abort dhe kujdes pas abortit, si dhe kujdesi për shëndetin e nënës

IZVEŠTAJ Ex officio br. 577/2021 u vezi sa Prava na seksualno i reproduktivno zdravlje Pristup informacijama i uslugama o kontracepciji, abortusu i nezi nakon abortusa, kao i zdravstvenoj zaštiti majki

REPORT Ex officio no. 577/2021 related to The rights on Sexual and Reproductive Health Access to contraceptive information and services, abortion, post-abortion care, and maternal health care